Our Mission Chaplains

Chaplaincy role and welfare issues

Chaplains are trained and available 'on call' to seafarers and related workers, in order to offer care and support.

They are available to the seafarers as a 'listening ear', support person, advocate and facilitator, to enable the seafarers to resolve any issues.

Their services include ...

*Hospital Visits
*Personal Issues
*Family Worries
*Contract Issues
*Wage or Salary Issues
*Relationship Issues
*Work Issues

... basically anything which is distracting people from working effectively and safely.

Our chaplains are ...

John Limrick


Mobile 022 634 9965

Noel Rivett


Mobile 021 0486 957

Iain Dickson


Mobile 0274 575 849

John Hill


Mobile 027 4371 088

Joel Pearce


Mobile 0210 2436 510